Colorado Gives Update

Colorado Gives Update: Thanks for your support

The MWC enjoyed a banner year with the Colorado Gives Campaign. There was 15 percent increase in the number of donors and they collectively donated $33,635, which is a 14 percent increase over last year. This is also the highest amount the MWC has ever received via Colorado Gives. Thanks to your support, the MWC received $1,066 from the statewide incentive fund. 

2016 Colorado Gives Donors

6 Anonymous Donors

Debra & David Bailey

Cary Baird

Dana & Peter Booth

Judy & George Callison

Randall Cupp & Anthony Angelo

Gary Dorosz

Tina Elliott-Armstrong

Kathy Portner & Fife Keith

Lois & Edward Gardner

William Findlay

Joan George

Lynne Habberfield

Stan McNeese & Sherri Helms

Barbara Hill

Sandy Horvath-Dori

Stephanie Hudson

Lois & Merritt Kinsey

Nita Kroninger

Betsy Leonard

Karen Terrill McGuirk

Ron Miracle

Jennifer Murrell

Sandie & Louis Nadelson

Summer-Leigh Pearce

Bill & Judy Prakken

Susan Rawlins

Catherine Robertson

Allison & Tim Sarmo

Tammy & Jon Schler

Gail & Barry Tuohig

Becky Utt

Paula Willoughby

Donna & Bruce Winslow

End-of-the-Year Annual Fund Drive

As a reminder, MWC supporters can still donate through the Colorado Gives website. In fact, they can give anytime during the year. Also, they can set up a giving schedule. At least one person took advantage of that option and scheduled a monthly donation. Something to consider!

Meanwhile, the End-of-the-Year Annual Fund Campaign is also enjoying a banner year. As of Dec. 20, we have already surpassed last year’s donated amount by 10 percent. I look forward to thanking the Annual Fund Drive individuals in the next newsletter.   

Thank you for all your support.