Enjoy a photographic journey through the history of our valley!
Grand Junction History Timeline showcases some truly remarkable photographic images. Most of these were taken by long-time professional photographers such as Frank Dean and Bob Grant, and talented current-day photographers including Christopher Tomlinson, Gretel Daugherty, John Hedrick, Al Ligrani, Dave Canaday and Debbie Hartelrode. Each photograph can be enlarged for better viewing. An extensive bibliography and timeline are additional elements that make the site a “must see” for educators and all others interested in local history.
Here, too, you can learn about Grand Junction’s neighboring communities, Fruita and Palisade.
The site is not intended to be all-inclusive, but to present an overview of local history. As the Museum receives new information, photographs and funding, our goal is to maintain it as a dynamic and ever-changing site. Please contact the Museum or Historical Society if you would like to be involved either as a contributor of information or financial support.
Click the links for more information.